This is a kit for the 3 days of darkness. but more importantly it is a kit for preparing spiritually for a holy life which is A MUST for surviving the 3 days of darkness. Especially the prayer cards. We must pray and converse with God and fully participate in the sacramental life in the Church, which is frequent reception of Holy Communion and the sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation/Penance.
In this kit you will receive:
ATTENTION --- due to supplier changes, you will receive all that is listed below, but it might not be exactly as pictured.
-- a small holy water bottle.
-- a simple cord rosary (colors will vary)
-- a brown scapular
-- a protection from evil necklace with 3 prayer cards
-- 8 tealight size beeswax candles (Only one is necessary because God will allow any sized candle to burn without being used up, so you can share these with family and friends, and/or use them during storms.)
-- a book of matches
-- 9 holy medals (large round St. Benedict medal {{the medal shown is out of stock, the replacement is much nicer, so all good!}}, large (abt 3in tall) Benedictine Crucifix, medium Miraculous Medal, 6 small St. Benedict medals)
-- One of the new items is Hawthorn Leaf and Flower herbal tea. Includes 2 - 2 oz bags, and 2 cotton muslin bags for steeping (rinse, dry and reuse the muslin bags). ***This remedy is to only be used during the time of darkness. For current maladies, consult your physician. *** +++Upon receipt, transfer the herb to a glass jar with an airtight lid and store in a dark place for longest life. +++
-- NEW - not pictured yet.... 4 prayer cards (2 for the Sacred Heart, 1 for the Holy Family and 1 for Consecration to Our Blessed Mother) along with 2 holy medals (Sacred Heart and Holy Family/Holy Spirit). Having especially images of the Sacred Heart and the Holy Family are beneficial for your households protection during these times, prior to and during the 3 days of darkness.
-- an information sheet containing >>> Preparing for the Warning and the Three Days of Darkness (see below)
-- optional set of 48 prayer cards - most of these prayer cards are in stock, some of those that aren't will have an equivalent replacement, and for a few others you will receive some additional prayer topics. All in all, these prayer cards are meant to cover a number of the 25 points below.
**********This kit is NOT blessed. If you cannot get it to a Catholic priest for blessing let me know and as a courtesy, I will take it to my local Mass of Reparation on the 3rd Monday of the month and get it blessed there. Then I will ship it on the following Tuesday.***********
Some extra items you might want to add to your kit before you get it blessed: salt, olive oil. Ask for an exorcism blessing on the salt.
ATTENTION: potential Canadian customers. Shipping to Canada is really expensive. But, if you live within driving distance to the States, you can use a UPS Store (or something similar) State side and get items shipped there. According to an experienced buyer of US items, it is a better deal all around.
ATTENTION: other international shoppers. While we do not ship internationally, a recent customer in Europe used a site called MyUS.com. We will ship to them in Florida and then you can have them ship to you, wherever you may live. Thanks!
More information about the three days of darkness, remedies for diseases, and visionary quotes are available here.
Prior to explaining the contents of this kit, know that Jesus said to Marie-Julie Jahenny on Aug 27, 1878: "My children, sometime before these sinister signs are sent onto the Earth, they will already feel in their hearts the effect of My justice; it will be that the heart will say the time is not far away. But a grace of peace is reserved for faithful Christians, those who have not disregarded the warnings of Heaven and who will conform their lives (to them)."
It also sounds like there will be other days or hours of darkness, pre-3 days of darkness times, shortly before the actual 3 days. Some will be local only, such as the Brittany area in France and others may be worldwide. These will be additional warnings, "authentic proof of His goodness, as proof of (the) descent of the wrath of God on earth." (The Holy Spirit to Marie-Julie Jahenny, Sep 20, 1880) God wants to call as many souls to conversion as possible.
The contents of this kit:
Holy Water (bottle) - Holy Water is a strength and consolation to resist all these signs. You will receive a small Holy Water bottle with this kit. It is recommended that you have more Holy Water available than just 4 ounces.
Beeswax Candles - only 100% pure beeswax candles will give light during those days, AND only a person in a state of grace can light them. So get yourself to Confession and receive the Eucharist often! They will not give any light in the homes of the wicked. The blessed beeswax candles are to remain lit during the entire 3 days of darkness. One candle, any size, will burn without being used up for the whole 3 days. (Some prophecies say that only candles blessed on Candlemas (Feb 2) "will give light in the hands of the believers.")
Some extra things you should probably have on hand that aren't included in this kit:
The Oil of the Good Samaritan - You can blend your own or buy it pre-blended from a variety of essential oil sellers. Just make sure it is a reputable seller of good, organic oils. Some of the brand names are "Thieves" and others just call it "Immunity Support". The oils are the same in all of these blends.
Blessed or Exorcised Salt - Which is good for blessing the perimeter of your property; you can make exorcised water by sprinkling a pinch of exorcised salt, in the shape of a cross, into your container of holy water; and many more uses.
I wrote the following information about two years ago. This is the sheet that will be included with your darkness kit. I have learned a lot since then. Upon request I will send you some book titles that you can purchase.
There are several sources for these prophecies. Many visionaries have spoken of them. These have then been accumulated and presented for modern readers by several authors. Most of the information for this overview comes from the writings of Fr. Joseph Esper.
To start with, this information is from private revelations. Some have been approved by the Roman Catholic Church, and others not. Catholics have no moral obligation to believe in these revelations. A person can, if the Spirit moves him, believe in them. Some people will chastise others who do believe and vice versa. Pray about it before the Blessed Sacrament to guide your heart and soul.
Secondly, being a faithful Catholic, a faithful Christian, is paramount to eternal life and living this earthly life well. God wants us to live a life with Him. Catholics can’t just prepare for the Three Days of Darkness and not live a holy life prior to that time. So people need to get their priorities straight ahead of time, namely they need to be devoted to Jesus in the Eucharist and to His Blessed Mother.
There will be a Warning first, a great chastisement. God will give everyone an opportunity to see themselves as He sees them, all their faults and failings. Once people see themselves, they then have to decide if they will amend their lives and be more faithful to God. Some will, some won’t.
The Three Days of Darkness will occur sometime later. Only God knows if and when He will do this. If mankind becomes more holy then He won’t have to. But if it does happen, the faithful will be given an advanced notice that the Darkness is eminent. This is their time to prepare. The earth (storms, etc.) and the animals will begin to freak out, so will mankind. All of this freaking out symbolizes the amount of sin in the world.
Once the darkness time comes get inside your home and lock the windows and doors and cover all the windows. “Do not look outside at all during this time because God’s wrath is holy. He will purify the earth for you, the small number of the faithful. Convene in prayer before My Crucifix and invoke the guardians of your soul.” Only blessed beeswax candles can be lighted during these three days. Pray the Rosary and beg God for Mercy. Do not look outside for any reason, you will drop dead if you do. The devil will tempt you with voices of loved ones, do not look outside!
God will preserve the property and animals of the elect. Outside animals will need extra food and water placed before them before the darkness comes. Again, do not go outside to care for them. You will have to decide on having your house pets inside for three days, especially those who are not litter trained. Remember, God will provide.
Do not be afraid. Jesus said this many times. “The sufferings of the times we are in are for the salvation of souls… those of you who have given Me your lives, and given Me your all… My Father’s plan (to renew the face of the earth) is unfolding. Remain in peace and be constant in love, leading My people in peace; but always reminding them of My love. Make sacrifices, My children and be My co-redeemers in helping my My Father’s plan.”
“About ten claps of thunder at once will strike the earth with such force that it will shudder throughout. This is a sign that the great tribulation and the black darkness are beginning… on this account people should go into their houses, close them up well, darken the windows, bless themselves and the house with holy water, and light blessed candles. Outside such dreadful things will be happening...” Also, Our Lady said, “Do not be afraid about the three days of darkness that will come over the earth, because those who are living my messages and have an interior life of prayer will be alerted by an interior voice three days to one week before the occurrence.”
The above quotes, from Fr. Esper’s book “After the Darkness”, are just a few of the many from various visionaries throughout time that have spoken about this. But what else must we do to prepare? Fr. Esper outlines 25 points in the conclusion of his book “On the Brink – America and the Coming Divine Judgment” in the final chapter called: Reasons for Hope and Steps to Take. Below is a brief outline of the 25 points. You can get more details in the book itself.
Prior to the 25 points for Spiritual preparation, Fr. Esper also says to prepare as in a bug-out bag or as you would for a hurricane, for your temporal needs.
1. Remain in a state of grace – go to Confession
2. Attend Mass as often as possible
3. Pray the Rosary each day
4. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet regularly, preferably at 3:00 p.m.
5. Say the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
6. Pray the Divine Praises
7. Say a binding prayer (whenever you feel tempted, oppressed or sense that something “just isn’t right” with yourself or another person)
8. Consecrate your family and home and property to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
9. Wear or carry a blessed Crucifix, scapular or religious medal
10. Have Holy Water available in your home and use it regularly (The kit has a small bottle, I recommend getting a gallon blessed by your priest too)
11. Make the sign of the Cross throughout the day
12. Regularly read the Bible (If you don’t have one, get one!)
13. Become more knowledgeable about what’s happening in the world and our country trying to see the big picture
14. Do what we can to influence society and defend religious freedom
15. Pray for (and support) persecuted Christians around the world
16. We need to not only maintain, but deepen, our relationship with Christ
17. Form the habit of automatically praying for guidance and discernment (for all decisions)
18. Keep proper perspective (the devil is loosing and lashing out; God wins!)
19. Associate with others who share our beliefs and moral values, “holy networking”
20. Acts of fasting and penance are powerful prayer
21. Take part in Eucharistic Adoration
22. Deepen our devotion to the angels and saints, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary
23. Living the message of Fatima should be one of our highest priorities
24. We should try to live in a spirit of reparation
25. We must place our trust completely in Jesus.
This kit, once it is blessed, has a dual purpose. It has beeswax candles and sacramentals to help get you through the three days of darkness, but more importantly it has prayer cards and Catholic aids to get you on your journey to faithfulness to God, if you aren’t already there. Only God can save us during this tribulation, but we must respond to Him in our actions and in our heart.
Information concerning the 3 days of darkness is always evolving. I have recently discovered that Heaven's messages about the 3 days of darkness can be mapped to scientific discovery. Go figure. God IS the Creator of all things, including science. Apparently the earth is on a 12000 year cycle where are poles (north and south) flip 90 degrees. This is called the earth catastrophe cycle. It accounts for the extinctions that we know about. It accounts for Noah's Flood (there is a "mini" catastrophe every 6000 years too). The poles are moving, have been for over 100 years, and their movement is speeding up. So we are just waiting on God's timing for this event to occur. "Soon"!!
God Bless you and keep you and your loved ones safe and headed towards eternal life in heaven.