Guardian Angel holy medal
Memorial is October 2.
- Angel of God, my guardian dear, To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, Rule and guide. Amen.
The term guardian angels refers to the belief that each person has an angel who is available to shepherd their soul through life, and help bring them to God.
Belief in the reality of angels, their mission as messengers of God, and man’s interaction with them, goes back to the earliest times. Cherubim kept Adam and Eve from slipping back into Eden; angels saved Lot and helped destroy the cities of the plains; in Exodous Moses follows an angel, and at one point an angel is appointed leader of Israel. Michael is mentioned at several points, Raphael figures large in the story of Tobit, and Gabriel delivered the Annunciation of the coming of Christ.
The concept of each soul having a personal guardian angel, is also an ancient one, and long accepted by the Church (from CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive » Guardian Angels)
See that you despise not one of these little ones [children]: for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. – Jesus, Matthew 18:10
four styles -
1 - silver oxide - with Pray for Us on the reverse
2 - gold plated - with a cherub on the reverse
3 - silver oxide - guardian angel with the Holy Family on the reverse
These medals are great on necklaces, bracelets, rosaries, pins or whatever else you had in mind. They all come with an open jump ring so you can attach it to your necklace.
Get a chain here:
Holy Medal Chains - 18", 24", 30" chains, stainless steel, aluminum, c – chillypumpkinholymedals
All medals and crucifixes are silver oxide (unless noted otherwise), which is a silver plated zinc alloy. **For the longest shine, you may want to coat your silver oxide medals with a clear coat of clear nail polish. The thin coating of silver oxide will eventually wear off.** They are quality Italian made, and the medals are approx. 1 inch tall and 5/8 inch wide.
Your items will ship first class in a padded kraft envelope.