Bl Miguel Agustin Pro (1891-1927) - memorial November 23
St Jose Sanchez del Rio (1913-1928) holy medals -
Mexican Catholic blessed & saint - Cristero War, Viva Cristo Rey, martyrs
Choice of either martyr's medal, pick one.
Get a chain here:
Holy Medal Chains - 18", 24", 30" chains, stainless steel, aluminum, c – chillypumpkinholymedals
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Story of Jose Sanchez del Rio
(as translated by an online translation tool)
Unbreakable body of this young man
Jose Luiz Sanchez Del Río was born on March 28, 1913, in the city of Sahuayo, Michoacan province, Mexico. I lived an ordinary life, like any other boy in the interior of Mexico, until this normality was broken by Plutarch Elias Calles' ascent to the head of power in that nation.
This tyrannical president, declared socialist and freemason, undertook nationwide one of the greatest persecutions the Catholic Church has suffered in the 20th century. Under the pretext of “delivering the nation from religious fanaticism” (any similarity is not mere coincidence), Plutarch Calles initiated a military raid against priests, religious and lay faithfuls who demonstrate any sign of the Catholic faith. Confiscated all Churches, arrested and killed priests, bishops, friots, nuns among many others. After so much persecution, a group of Catholic believers were forced to take up arms to ensure their survival. This conflict became known as Christianity or Christian Warfare, in honor of Christian soldiers who were known as Christians.
One day, while visiting the grave of the blessed martyr Anacleto González Flores, who had died during the persecution in a brutal and merciless way, Jose Luiz Sanchez Del Río prayed to God, asking that he too could die for the keeping of his Faith. So, at the age of 13, he went to look for General Prudencio Mendoza, who was based in the village of Cotija, so he could join the crister army. Upon arrival, he addressed the general who investigated him:
- What did you see doing here my boy? And he replied :
- I am here to die for Christ the King
The sincerity of those words and the vivid fearless look of that noble boy resonated deeply in the heart of General Cristero, who authorized his entry into the militia. Over a year, Jose Luiz Sanchez Del Río fought in many fierce clashes against the communist government's regular army and freemason.
In February 1928, about 1 year after his entry into the Christian army, the boy and his comrades were caught in an ambush. Jose Luiz surrendered his horse to the leader of the resistance, being captured by sadistic soldiers of Plutarch's government. Intending to get the boy to renounce his faith, they stripped the plant of his feet to his nerves and tied him to a horse, forcing him to walk about fourteen kilometers on foot and barefoot. We do not need to say here the level of pain this poor child felt, even so, in the moments when their pains were unbearable, the boy full of Divine Grace Bradava loudly and vigorously "Viva Cristo Rey e la Virgin of Guadalupe! "
Unsuccessful in trying to get Jose Luiz to abstain from his faith through the most causative and mind-boggling pain possible, the soldiers tried to intimidate him otherwise. Upon arriving at the village where he was born, to be executed the next day, the soldiers had the boy's mother write him a letter asking him to abstain from the Catholic faith, so he could be released. José Luiz Sanchez Del Río responded like this to his mother's note:
"My dear mother: I was made a prisoner of combat on this day. I think I'm going to die by now but it doesn't matter, it doesn't care, mom. Resign to God's will; I die very happy because at the end of it all, I die next to our Lord. Don't grieve over my death, that's what mortifies me First, tell my fellow brothers and sisters to follow the example of the younger one, and you do the will of our God. Have courage and send me your blessing along with my father's. Greet everyone for the last time and you receive the last heart of your son who loves you so much and wished to see you before he dies"
The very next day, February 10, 1928, on a Friday, the boy who was about to turn 15, offered up his earthly life so as not to lose eternal life beside Jesus Christ, to whom he boldly and fidelity placed his faith.
We need to know that without demonstrating deep disgust and disgust for what destroys our Holy Church, we are not truly Christians. There is no true love if there is no repulsion for that which immediately opposes what we love. It is impossible to think of being Catholic without conceiving the possibility of giving our lives for our Lord Jesus Christ.
These medals are great on necklaces, bracelets, rosaries, pins or whatever else you had in mind. They all come with an open jump ring so you can attach it to your necklace.
Get a chain here:
Holy Medal Chains - 18", 24", 30" chains, stainless steel, aluminum, c – chillypumpkinholymedals
All medals and crucifixes are silver oxide (unless noted otherwise), which is a silver plated zinc alloy. **For the longest shine, you may want to coat your silver oxide medals with a clear coat of clear nail polish. The thin coating of silver oxide will eventually wear off.** They are quality Italian made, and the medals are approx. 1 inch tall and 5/8 inch wide.
Your items will ship first class in a padded kraft envelope. Items ship in 1-3 days.